Annie Marhefka is a writer in Baltimore, Maryland whose publications have appeared in Literary Mama, Pithead Chapel, Lunch Ticket and more. She is the winner of the 2024 Eunice Williams Nonfiction Prize and her work was featured on The Slowdown Show. She has a BA in creative writing from Washington College and an MBA, and is an MFA candidate at the University of Baltimore. When Annie is not writing, she is usually trying to find her way back to the water.
Annie is a 2024-2025 Michael Klein Fellow in Social Justice Writing at the University of Baltimore, and she has received support from the Maryland State Arts Council, Gullkistan Center for the Arts (Iceland), and is an alumni of the Tin House 2024 Winter Workshop.
“I would not have found my path back to writing without the support and encouragement of the Baltimore writing community, which is why my focus, in both my writing and my work as a publishing professional, is to find ways to nurture and cultivate the arts community, particularly for women-identifying writers or artists with roots in Baltimore.”
Annie Marhefka • Writer & Publishing Professional